Animago Studio Presentation

Animago Studio Presentation

Animago Studio Presentation

/ Animation / Tuesday, 04 October 2022 16:53

Memories from 6th Chaniartoon 2022... Presenting Animago Studios. Animago Studio cofounders Emanuele Carboni, Marianna Forti, and MariaElena Piano met during their Animation School Years. Right after their degree, they started working as a WorkTeam inside Studio 4 in Florence, and after a couple of years, they’ve begun to create their own network of artists and clients. In 2013 Animago Studio officially became an associated studio for Animation Services, working for projects like Studio Bozzetto’s Short Movies, big production like Sergio Pablos “Klaus”, and Main Stream Projects with bigger studios in Italy and abroad, like Tonic, Maga Animation, Doghead and Final Frontier.

Published in Animation, Events

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